Transformational Stories

BlueConduit’s collaborative decision-making to establish annual goals

As the upcoming year approached, BlueConduit desired to set annual and quarterly goals. This start-up, focused on developing cutting-edge, predictive machine learning software to locate lead service lines, wanted to think boldly about what they would achieve in the next year. The executive leaders and I co-created a two-day workshop for the business department leads to align vision and priorities for the startup.

Through a process that explored the collaboration points and challenges across business departments, we created teamwide goals as well as annual and first quarter goals for each business department. Furthermore, this workshop unlocked a level of cross-functional collaboration, agreement, and clarity that the executive leadership team had been working to improve for months. 


Convening leaders across universities, government and industry to address renewable energy siting challenges

A researcher and a VP of Public Affairs at a renewable energy development company had a hypothesis. They thought that university extension professionals might play a key role as a trusted convener for rural communities that faced the decision of whether to welcome renewable energy in their community. 

Through a dinner and day-long workshop, we brought together twenty leaders from universities, government, and industry to understand the challenges and opportunities in this space. This newly formed group left the workshop with a sense of connection and action items for future engagement. 


Building a shared vision for equity and justice in the nuclear field

The Fastest Path to Zero initiative wanted to create a space for practitioners who have relevant work related to equity and justice in the nuclear energy field. In this workshop, we engaged with storytelling to understand the values that underly equity and justice in the nuclear field. 

Together we envisioned what upholding these values would look like for the field and identified assets and challenges that interact with this vision. By conceptualizing the values, vision, and current state on a visual of a “tree,” we created a view of what future work to advance equity and justice in the nuclear field could look like.


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