Custom Experiential Workshop Design & Facilitation

Amplify your team’s collaboration through coaching and new ways of engaging to unlock opportunities.

For thoughtful organizations looking to advance your purpose and impact.

Let’s co-create a transformational experience tailored to your organization.

Carlotta Pham Facilitator Designer Workshop

Hi! I’m Carlotta and I am passionate about creating impact and transformation in organizations. 

I bring to our collaboration:

  • 200+ hours of facilitation experience with virtual and in-person interactions for 500+ participants

  • 5 years at Deloitte Consulting delivering management consulting services to public and private sector clients

  • Facilitation training from the Center for Socially Engaged Design at the University of Michigan

  • Professional coaching training in Organization Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC)

  • MBA and MS in Sustainability from the University of Michigan that brings multiple perspectives to my conversations with you

Topics that I have delivered workshops on include: 

  • Storytelling

  • Visioning

  • Organizational goal setting

  • Stakeholder engagement

  • Equity & Justice in your organization



  • Is your organization operating in silos and struggling with cross-functional collaboration?

  • Are you bringing new stakeholders together and trying to form a group identity and purpose?

  • Are you trying to articulate your organization's purpose and values?

  • Are you looking to set clear goals and accountability? 

I’ll work with you to help define your needs and bring best practices for leading workshops to overcome your challenges. We will co-design an experience specifically for your organization.

Use cases: organizational strategy + vision alignment, new stakeholder engagement, collaborative decision making

Formats: half-day workshops, multi-day workshops, retreats, virtual & in-person

Check out inspiration for your workshop based on My Work.


  • Do you need someone trained to guide your group through an experience?

  • Do you see value in having someone external engage with your team? 

  • Do you already have a workshop plan and need someone to deliver it?

I will bring my experience and skill as a facilitator to deliver your custom-designed workshop or a workshop for which you don’t currently have the capacity to lead.

Get in touch to bring me on as a facilitator for your next virtual or in-person workshop.


  • Are you intrigued but not sure if you’re looking for design, deliver or something else?

  • Do you have an idea and would like recommendations on best practices to bring your idea to life?

Let’s work together to elevate your idea to the next level. 

Reach out for insights and ideas on the experience you are looking to create. 

Here’s what my clients say

What I now value even more than Carlotta’s day-of facilitation, was the process she used to prepare for the convening, which really helped me refine my own goals for the event and for the work more generally.
— Sarah Mills, University of Michigan
Working with Carlotta was great. Her excellent facilitation allowed us to work through critical conversations between different functional groups to establish team-wide goals that set the target for our company going into the year.
— Ian Robinson, BlueConduit
The session she led for my organization set the tone for the entire conference and allowed each participant to realize their full potential.
— Emily Keeler, Erb Institute

Get In Touch